BAHA’I PHILOSOPHY Bahai The Aristotelian Substratum of the Baha'i Writings Baha’I Ontology 1: An Initial Reconnaissance Baha’I Ontology 2: Further Explorations The Baha’I Philosophy of Human Nature Bloch’s Philosophy of Hope and the Bahá’í Writings The Buddhist Doctrine of Emptiness: An Initial Survey Buddhism & The Bahá’í Writings The Call into Being: Introduction to a Baha’i Existentialism Ethics Based on Science Alone? Freedom From Tolerance to Unity: the Baha’i Faith and Conviviality Good Without God? Grand Narratives and the Baha’I Writings The Insufficiency of Secular Humanism Kant’s “Perpetual Peace” and the Bah’a’I Writings The Meta Ethical Excursions of the Baha’I Writings Neitzsche and the Baha’I Writings Neoplatonism and the Baha’I Writings The New Atheism: A Baha’I Perspective: An Initial Exploration of Whitehead and deChardin Post Modernism and the Baha’I Writings Process Philosophy and the Baha’I Writings Procrustes’ Bed Reason and the Baha’I Writings Reason in Islam Relativism and the Baha’I Writings Some Answered Questions